Most of the earliest buildings were built from masonry and are still standing today! From Neolithic structures to more modern miracles, no other building material has stood the test of time like masonry. Masonry can withstand many natural disasters, ensuring that your building will still be standing when others have failed.
Locally Sourced
Masonry is one of the most readily available building materials you can choose from. Produced and stocked locally, you can have your material in days, not months! Not only does masonry drastically reduce lead times, but it also helps support the local economy and promotes more local growth.
The United Nations defines sustainability as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Masonry satisfies the UN’s definition and goes beyond. Masonry is:
Future generations will have the ability to thrive on the buildings built with masonry today.
One of the biggest myths about building with masonry is that it’s more expensive than other materials. The fact is that masonry will not only save money (and time) for the initial build, but will save money in the long run as well.
In a 2017 (updated in 2021) study comparing six different building materials, the cost per square foot for overall construction with masonry was the lowest of the group.
Masonry and Precast $80,662 $25,974,680 $268.89
Conventional Wood Framing $202,152 $27,112,180 $280.66
Light Gage Steel Framing $112,687 $27,445,183 $284.11
ICF Walls and Precast Plank $114,577 $27,905,631 $288.88
ICF Walls and ICF Floor Alt $115,078 $28,027,604 $290.14
Precast Construction $98,715 $31,788,293 $329.07
**This study is based on a four story, multi-family residential structure in Pittsburgh, PA, approximately 24,000 sq ft per floor.